Hello Nikon List Readers,

        First off, many thanks to the owner and contributers to this list.  You
guys have been a great resource and have answered many questions that I
needed answers to.

        My reason for writing is that I recently purchased a used AF 35-105 macro
Nikkor that seemed to be in fairly good shape.  However, when mounted to
either my N70 or my N90S, it won't achieve focus lock and the shutter won't
fire.  I've tried it on both cameras in Program mode with the aperture set
to the smallest aperture as well as aperature and shutter priority modes
with the same result.  I've tried it on both cameras with both single and
continuous servo with the same results.  The focus motor runs the lens
through the focus ranges of the camera but just won't lock.  This is all
tried in bright sunlight with a very contrasty subject and other lenses
work just fine.  I might mention also that the scene through the viewfinder
is very dark as if I'm viewing the image in stopped down mode (which I'm

        Did I buy a 'dud' lens or am I overlooking some setting on the lens?

        I appreciate anyone who knows the answer or would even offer a suggestion
that could help.

Robert Lepard

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