I just bought a Nikon FA camera. Now I realized that it provides 
a longest specified exposure time of just ONE SECOND, only !?

It's hard to believe!! Does somebody has the experience that
it takes longer times in the A mode, allthough it is not specified ?

Also It is obvious that in the A and M mode it has another 
shutter sound than at the P or S mode. It sounds for me that
the camera just uses a mechanical composed shutter control 
in case of the A or M mode while the P and S mode sound like 
the quartz oscillator triggered shutter from a FM 2 or a FE 2. 

Does somebody knows something about that ?

Comments are appreciated !

Michael Rapp

 Dr. Michael Rapp 
 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 
 Institut fuer Instrumentelle Analytik, B341 
 Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 
 D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen 

 Phone : (49) 7247/82 -3238 / -2698 / Fax: -4618 
 WWW   : http://www-ifia.fzk.de/Rapp/SAWHome.htm 

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