> ------------------------------
> I am an amateur photographer with a Nikon N90s.  I have been concentrating
> mostly on sports photography of my three nephews and have mostly been
> shooting Little League baseball.  My oldest nephew has just started playing
> JV basketball, and another nephew is about to start Junior High wrestling.
> Since I assume flash photography will be prohibited at both events, I am
> looking for a fast Zoom.  I'm considering a Nikkor 80-200 f2.8, and would
> appreciate any comments or suggestions.  I'm hoping that this lens with 800
> film will be ok for indoor existing light sports photography.  Any advice
> would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> Dwight

Dwight, I am a photographer at the University of Missouri Columbia and I have been 
using my
70-210 f/4 for basketball, not the best choice apeture wise, but it functions for me
non-the-less.  I think the 80-200 f/2.8 would be a good choice for you but it all 
I have to use TMAX 3200 inside of the Hearnes Center beacause it is pretty dark, so 
800 may
not work, again it depends on the lighting of your location, you may also want to look 
at a
28-105 f/2.8.  One of the people on staff with me uses this lenses for b-ball and 
finds it
very affective.  If you want to use something like 800 speed film you may want to get a
fixed focal length likean 85mm f/1.4 or the 135 f/2.0, all though they aren't as 
as a zoom, the apeture size is really nice indoors.  In the end I would suggest you 
look at
your location and decide how fast of a film you want to use.


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