
Peeter Vissak wrote:

>>As the story is already about AI converting, I have some
1st - how to distinguis the right place of the outcut in the
ring? I mean
if the max apertures of the lenses are different. In the
brief inspection I
can say that it should be about at the 5th stop counting
from the max one??<<

Hello Peeter,

        I cannot tell you the proper way to machine the aperture ring, but I
can tell you how to tell if the boss is in the correct place (at least
according to Henry Paine, who AI's my lenses). When you turn the lens to
engage the mount, with the lens opened up to the widest aperture, the
boss should come into contact with the aperture tab, and as the lens
locks into place, the boss should push the aperture tab 1/2 to 1
millimeter, but no more. As I understand this, the slight movement after
contact takes the slack out of the aperture linkage.
        Henry uses a vertical mill with an radial indexing table to make the
cuts according to a formula he obtained from a tech who AI'd lenses for
Nikon, and the lenses he modifies give good service.

                        Bill Hilburn Jr.

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