>I have to say I'm with you all the way on this.  I "upgraded" to a Nikon N70
>a few years ago from my Minolta XK and X700.  In the store I was impressed
>by the advanced technology the salesman was showing me.  I figured what the
>heck - it's a Nikon, how could it possibly be bad?  WRONG!!
>Let the flames begin!

My wife wanted the N70 and I got it for her, but it is indeed a hoe to
figure out.  She has set the custom settings and that is that.  She had the
N2000 but wanted AF.  Going to Nikon from the XK and X700 is not a lane
change, it's a road change!  I agree it is a big change, and the X700 is
more like the FE and the XK is like the F2.  By going N70 you have lept
pretty darned far.

I used to have the XK-MOT so I can attest!


>>Less than a year later he claims it sucks! Anyone who thinks this schill 
>>is an unbiased observer needs their heads examined.

I asked Moose about this, and he told me that on one hand he gets mail
saying he loves everything about Nikon and then he is flamed when he has a
personal dislike for something, I asked if he wanted to reply here and he
doesn't believe his time is worth commenting here.  From what I have read,
I have to side withhim, we see small snippets of what he wrote and they may
not be in the context intended.  Moose is no more diehard than a Ford or
Chevy owner for their car, or anyone who loves anything inside out.  He
probably welcomes any new introduction Nikon creates as if it is a baby
brother or sister.

We're not buying stocks and bonds here folks, they are cameras, hunks of
metal.  We should not reply so much on the personal opinions of others.  My
wife loves her N70, there are those who hate it.  Live and let live!


>He said, "Oops, we
>get in trouble if we don't hand the camera to the customer with a
>Quantaray lens on it."  I asked him if he was serious, and he said it
>was not unknown for Ritz Regional folks to enter the store unannounced
>(like spys) and write them up for not pushing the Quantaray.
>The perils of retail.

Wow, what news!  I remember going to Ritz once and the guy sked what he
could show me, I said, Leica point and shoot."  he said, "Oh, you'd like a
point and shoot, we have plenty!"  I tried again.  He had never heard of a
leica, but assured me Quantaray glass is just every bit as good.

The only Quantaray lens I even bought was the 500/8 preset, I used it with
a 2x and stopped down to f/32 for an eclipse, effectively f/64, a 1/8000th
on an F4.  Yea, gotta love those Ritz salesguys!

Robert in Redlands

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