Yes, I'm still very new to my N70, in fact only 1/2 way through my 
second roll.  But I love it!  And as I learn more about it, I'm loving 
it more and more.  I still have only one regret with this camera, and 
that's the lack of DOF.  But I couldn't justify stepping up to the N90S 
for another $400 or so.  It was more important to me to get lenses I 
felt would meet my needs and a body that I could grow into without 
breaking my budget.  

My N70, 24-50, and 70-300 do just that.  And thanks to all who 
recommended Shaw's macro book, I'm ordering a 6T tomorrow so I can start 
to step into macro and I'm actually going to get a tripod (suggestions 
on a suitable one that strikes the right balance between price, weight, 
and compactness, please?)  I swore I'd never get a tripod, but as I 
learn what this camera is capable of, I find myself ever more curious to 
explore its (and my) capabilities!

As I mentioned, the one thing I really wish it had is DOF, as I love 
setting the aperture, and I'm basically guessing when I do.

Also, what are screens, and can they go on the N70?  They're mentioned 
in the book that one may want a screen with a grid, but it is greek to 

Yes, I'm still an SLR neophyte, just approaching my first year and only 
on my second SLR, but what a beautiful camera.  I'm pretty sure that in 
a year or so, I might want to migrate to an N90s or something to that 
effect, but in the meantime, this camera is giving me something I can 
grow into and options I can explore while I learn what kind of 
photography interests me so.  

Do I find the interface confusing?  Not really.  Awkward, yes.  Is that 
bad?  No.  It is set up in a way that allows me to easily explore ALL 
the options the camera has to offer in a methodical fashion.  From that 
viewpoint, I consider it a big plus.

Also, I would like to ask others what their favorite stored settings 
are.  There was a thread on this a while back, but I wasn't ready for it 
yet.  I would love it if people could share this info again.

As for Shaw's book, that is must-read material.  I'm learning more from 
that than from all other sources combined thus far.  And best of all, it 
saved me at least $400 by making me realize I can get a 6T and use my 
70-300 instead of a 60 or 105 while I step into the world of macro.  It 
makes me all that much more confident with my lens choices.  I 
absolutely love the 24-50, and now this gives my seldom used 70-300 much 
more purpose.  I also centered my choices around 62mm so that I can add 
the 20 in the future, possibly.

Ok, I'm rambling, but hopefully people can see that I really like my 
N70.  It is a big step up from the ZX-50 (Pentax) that brought me into 
SLR and I tried to get solid amateur equipment this time around so I can 
expand my arsenal and be able to concentrate on building my skills and 


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