Hello Nikon Fans,

In Europe all electronic items must pass the new Electro-Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC) tests before they can be sold in the European Community.
This came into effect in 1998. I was at a camera fair last weekend, and I
saw a FM2 with the CE mark stamped to its base plate. This meant that the
FM2 has passed the EMC test. The FM2 is a manual camera, and the only thing
electronic is the exposure meter, which I'm sure won't emit very much as it
is essencially DC. I saw a used F100 on sale (so soon ?) but I didn't check
if it has the EC stamp or not.

Also, I bought a mint- Nikkor 28-50/f3.5 for about 160 USD. The distortion
seems to be better than my Nikkor 28-45/f4.5. Has anyone used this lens
before and what is the verdict ? Web reviews suggest that this lens is very
sharp, but it has unusually high field of curvature. I don't understand why
lenses of the same focal length would have different fields of curvature,
unless this is something to do with chromatic abbreviation. Can anyone
enlighten me ?

Happy shooting,


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