
   I just got my order ofa HN-13 hood for the 72mm polarizer. I remember
reading here that this hood comes in two parts and you use only one when using
a wide angle lens. The hood I got had one part which to long to use for wide
angle lenses.

   Could anyone let me know if I'm missing a part of the hood? Please e-mail
me a copy of your reply as I sometimes have problems getting the list.


    Gil Bregman

Gil Bregman                                       NetManage
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Vita Building
Phone : +972-3-578-8753    Ext. 204               11 Ben-Gurion Rd.
Fax   : +972-3-578-8752                           Ramat-Gan 51260
WWW: http://www2.netmanage.co.il/~gil             ISRAEL

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