Robert wrote:

>I attend Atlantic Coast Conference (NCAA Division I) basketball games
>regularly, and carefully notice the brands of gear used by the sports
>shooters on the sidelines.
>A couple of years ago,  the balance was about 50-50 Nikon/Canon, but
>past two years -- since the F5 came out -- the balance has swung to
>75/25 % in favor of Nikon.
>Seeing lots of those black telephoto lenses with the shiny gold band
>(AF-S) as well.
>Good shootin' to all.

Unfortunately gauging cameras in use by pro photographers is like
aspirins in use by hospitals.  The person using the camera probbaly has
paid for it with their own money.  It probably belongs to a pool of gear

that the newspaper/magazine owns.  The person who decides what camera
system to buy is probably not one who will use it, but the one who
the checks.


This is generally not true with newspaper photographers. Most of them
are required to supply their own equipment. Sometimes the paper/agency
has a pool of lenses that can be checked out (these are generally the
very expensive big glass (600mm f/4, for example) for specific
assignments, and many if not most papers provide some expense (non
taxable) money to their photographers to buy equipment with. However,
every newspaper photographer I know owns his own equipment.


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