
the meter of my second body, a FM, ceased to function about 6 months ago
and it has been declared as non reparable. Since then, my picture taking
rate has gone down significantly as I used to shoot colour & B/W at the
same time (3 bodies would not hurt, as I take slides and prints as well

So, I decided it was time to replace the FM (which I will keep in case I
ever take studio or astro shots). My "first" body is a F601/N6006 that I
like very much. But my "new" camera should have 1/250s sync, DOF
preview, matrix metering, AF and provision for a grid screen.

I like the F100 very much, as I find it comes very close to my dream
camera, but I find its price tag a bit high. My lens collection is
already well furnished (24, 35, 50, 85 and 180, all Nikkors) but I'd
prefer to spend the money on some more lenses...

I don't like the F90 or 90x that much. I don't really know why but I'd
prefer a new F100 to a new F90x (price difference is not that big over
here: 54.000 BEF vs ~40.000 BEF).

Consequently, I currently consider getting a used F801s/N8008s, which
can be found at good prices and is very similar to my F601 for what
layout concerns. I don't really need a fast AF, although multiple focus
points and AF-S compatibility would have been nice.

The question is: what to look for in a used F801s, and how reliable are
these cameras?

Thanks in advance,


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