>Speaking of non-D lenses, there are only 3 AF lenses which are still non-D: 
>50/1.8, 300/4 and 300/2.8. 
>The first two are long overdue for upgrading to D type. The AF 300/2.8 
>probably lingers as a low-cost (!) alternative to the AF-S lens. It's also 
>available as an AIS lens.

The AF-I version of the 300 is still in production?  Nes to me, I thought
the 300AFS was the only option now.


>But I noticed something interesting.  One photographer had SC-17 type cords
>plugged into the hotshoe of both F100s, but obviously no strobes attached.
>The cords were plugged into what resembled a brown household extension cord,
>which was connected to something about the size of a Walkman, but with a
>short antenna on it.
>Does anyone have any idea what this rig was for?

Hmm, my first guess would be a Quantum battery pack for the flash power,
one pack can power two strobes.  As for the antenna, I have no idea, unless
it was something else taped onto the pack like a handle or such.  You
should have taken a picture of him!

Robert in Redlands

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