     Due to taking pictures at indoor swim meets in upstate New York in
the winter I had to figure out something to help keep the equipment from
fogging.  The only method I've found so far (other than arriving very
very early) has been to gently warm the camera and lens or lenses with a
hair dryer prior to getting in the car.  Once in the car I keep the
equipment on the floor under the heater duct.  The next step is to get
inside as quickly as possible.
     When in a hot, humid climate and a air conditioned house, I would
imagine using a hair dryer (gently and from a distance) prior to going
outside would help reduce any fogging.  If the camera is kept in a air
conditioned car I'm not sure what would work.  Maybe you should warm it
up and then keep in in a styrafoam cooler or something similar.
     One thing for sure, it sounds like a battery powered camera warming
case is in order.  Is anyone on the list a patent attorney?


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