The following is the definative list of the best
Nikon cameras and the worst Nikon cameras:

The Best Nikons;
All Nikons

The Worst Nikons;
Same as above.

Depending on your particular needs, usage, lenses,
experience, weather, shutter speed, weight, controls,
costs, color, etc., any Nikon will fit into either
group mentioned above. Let's stop the bashing and get
on with how to use our beloved cameras without
ranting about how bad one is over another.

And while we are at it, let's leave Moose alone. He
is an excellent photographer and protector of
wildlife. He uses Nikon and other equipment, too.
Frankly, I do not use one person's opinion when
deciding on a purchase. I do figure out where each
person is coming from when they make an opinion. I
then weigh that opinion and gather more facts. I do
not bash them for their particular opinions.

By the way, I love my N90s and get great service out
of it for the money. If I had the money, I would have
an F5, F100, F4s, F3HP, and an FE2 ( and I do have
the "sexy" EM already). It does not bother me that
Moose (who has the money and a bit of backing from
Nikon (not as much as some think)) does not care for
the N90s anymore. I will still subscribe to his
interesting periodical.

P.S. Sorry if this is old news as I am trying to
catch up on the Digests after a period away from my

Troup Nightingale
CameraLinks Photography
NetWord = cameralinks

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