> I don't understand why lenses of the same focal length would have
> different fields of curvature, unless this is something to do with
> chromatic abbreviation.

Field curvature relates to the tendency for the image surface of a 
lens to be spherical (I know this is not totally true - but lets keep it 
simple). Since we actually want to use a piece of flat film we have 
to take action to correct this. This can be done as one of the many 
items which have to be balanced within an optical design. There is 
some quite nice theory about what you can and can't do with field 
curvature but that is really something for the optical physicists. As 
an aside, when some very fast lens designs have been required, it 
has been necessary to design with a curved film plane.

In itself field curvature is not related to what we normally call 
chromatic aberrations (be they longitudinal or transverse) although 
as with all aberrations it is influenced by the wavelength (because 
glass is dispersive).

Andy Shaw

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