A while back, someone asked what are some of our N70's custom 
quick-recall settings.  Well, here's mine.

QR1- Matrix metering, A mode, CH film advance, DX (my default)
QR2- CW metering, A mode,  CL film advance, slow sync, DX 
QR3- Spot metering, A mode, Single Frame advance, DX

BTW, a tip for users that need to use exposure compensation on the fly.  
Just leave the cursor at the exposure compensation function (which I do 
ALL the time), and simply press the function button before pressing the 
set button and you can adjust the compensation without searching for it, 
though it's still a two-step process.  To change metering mode I use the 
QR button.  Flash compensation and rear-sync I can set from SB-26.

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