Hello Ed,

I use to carry a small SB22.
It has 2 stops in auto mode and it is lighter tha my 283 or 285 
flash. It's a good choice with my Minox or my FM or FE2.

Hope this helps,



Hello everybody,

I need some help on picking a compact flash for the
FM2n camera. Some time ago I bought Sunpack 383 
flash, following an advice of this list. I can't complain on
this purchase, as it let me take many pictures which would've
been impossible otherwise. My only  problem with the 383
is its size and weight. I would like to get a smaller flash to be used
for travelling/hiking. Something with GN around 60. Does anybody have
a suggestion?

Thanks in advance,

Fabrice Joly
17 rue du General Gouraud
69008  Lyon - France
Tel/Fax : 33 (0)4 72 72 92 15

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