Donald wrote:
> I really like the 35mm/f2.0 but would only
> recommend it if you don't already have a 50mm.  
> If you do, then get the 28mm. The 35mm's 
> perspective just isn't very much different 
> than a 50mm's.  

You probably know that you used the word "perspective" rather loosely,
but I would like to comment this anyway for the beginners.
Perspective does not depend on the lens! Perspective is determined only
by the distance between the observer and the subject! What you meant was
that the angles of view are not very much different. Whether your lens
has 24 or 135 mm, the perspective will be the same if you don't change
your position. (Wide angles don't make people's noses look bigger
because they're wide angles, but because the photographer has to get
closer if he wants to fill the frame with the subject's head. He's
changing perspective because he's moving closer, not because he has
zoomed from 70 to 28 mm.)

Graz, Austria

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