> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 12:56:09 -0500
> From: Don Byrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Lenses for F2 [v04.n292/18]
> Message: 18
        > I am a long time Canon user.  I apologize 
        > for troubling this impressively high-powered 
        > discussion with an elementary question. 


        > I think the F-2 Photomic can mount any Nikon 
        > lens, but there are some that it will not meter, 
        > or perhaps some that will only meter in stop-down
        > mode (or perhaps this is a Canon peculiarity). 

        There are (or were) a few fisheye lenses that 
        required the mirror to be locked up, so they don't 
        meter at all of course.  Other than that, everything 
        meters with the F-2 Photomic.

        All of the non-AI, AI, and AI-S lenses couple to 
        the meter.  

        AF lenses don't have a shoe for the old prong type 
        photomic's, so you have to stop-down meter with them.  

        Nikon also made a less expensive line of manual-focus 
        lenses called 'series E' that didn't have the shoe, so 
        you have to stop-down meter with them too.

        When you're using stop-down metering with the old 
        pre-AI cameras, make sure that you reset the minimum 
        aperture on the meter to 5.6 before attaching the 
        lens (if prong isn't connected to anything, the meter 
        always thinks the lens is going to stop down to 5.6
        from whatever it thinks that the minimum aperture is).  
        Just push the prong up and towards the shutter release 
        side of the camera slightly and it'll reset.


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