>Does anyone out there know what happened to Walter Pietsch's site?
>I have been unable to raise it for some time (URL not found).  It was
>a site I used fairly often for Nikon information.

I try to keep links updated on my site at
http://members.tripod.com/~luckyrwe/f5.html  please feel free to check out
those links and let me know if I ought to add any more!


>I said it before, and now I will say it again.  Put Nikon lens on Nikon

Unless you like the Nikkor 60mm Micro AF, then you can say, "Put Kyrocera
lenses on Nikon cameras."


>I know this is preaching to the choir, but want to rave about the durability
>of Nikon lenses.
>As I watched  $600 of glass hit the floor, I reprimanded myself for being so
>Thanks for letting me share.

I think we all have stories here.  I was on one shoot where I needed a lens
for a suicide misison.  I knew the lens would not survive.  I opted for the
50/1.8E lens on an F3HP body.  I knew the lens would get trashed, I had no
idea about the body so I got the best I could at the time.  As I got to the
desired shooting site I took off my pullover sweater while I still had the
camera around my neck, and there it went, over 6 feet down!

The filter shot off the lens, I prayed for it to go further and further,
thus bearing the brunt of the fall.  The F3 finder had a dent in the top.
The 50mm lens was locked in the near infinity position and I only had 3
apertures available to use.  What a lousy start.

Thirteen days later I was done with the shoot, the camera and lens were no
more worse than the day I dropped them except for some sand damage on the
front element.  The lens was a loss, the body took a few C notes to repair.

Another time some friends and I all had F4s and we were standing around
when we heard a CLUNK!  We looked down and there was an F4 rolling between
our feet!  It was NOT mine.  Someone's strap gave out.  The camera was fine.


>I was the high bidder, but I 
>failed to meet the reserve price.  Well, it appears that the seller 
>was contacted by someone else (probably another bidder) and accepted 
>their offer for the EXACT SAME PRICE that I bidded.  They did this 
>without even contacting me first!  See for yourself at 

If they sell they should give the option to the first person who bid the
high price.  There are 2 bids for $325. and they should take the first bid
if they are going to sell anyway.  I guess you are Sir Jeeves and bid
first?  I have had items up for sale that did not meet reservse so I can
decide not to sell them, then later I may sell them to the first party that
comes by.  I believe they have the OPTION of accepting your offer, but if
you did not meet the reserve they are under no obligation to sell to you.


>I am looking at buying a 1000mm for important but occasional use. The
>Nikon 1000mm catadioptric is a bit expensive and the 1 review I have
>found rates it as optically so-so. There are two Russian 1000mm cats
>which are one tenth(!) the price. I have also had someone in the know
>recommend a Celestron 5" telescope which is supposedly diffraction
>limited and still cheaper than the Nikon. Anyone out there got hands on
>experience at this length and care to pass on their experience? The AFS
>500/4 and TC20E would be nice, but I value my marriage higher :-)

I just sold my 1000mm on Ebay for a little over $420US.  It was a Meade.
It was the only brand I ever had that I could hand hold to any degree.  I
understand the Russian ones do not hold up under temperature fluctuations.
Whatever you decide, make sure you have a solid surface to grip!

Robert in Redlands

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