Terence A. Danks wrote back in Feb:

>Is this similar to the caps offered with big lenses such as my
>800mm f/5.6?
>The reason I bring it up is because they seem constructed the
>same way the leather lens pouches N sold back in the 70's were
>and may still sell for all I know. The finish on the "leather"
>has disintegrated on all my pouches. They are no longer usable
>due to all the little black flakes falling off them.

I have a couple of old Nikon lens cases with the same problem developing -
do any of you know of a leather care product that might prevent further
degradation? I'm not really sure this stuff is even real leather. Some of
the soft ER cases seem to degrade similarly, too.

Neal     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Panama City, FL

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