Hello to all of you following the F70/N70 good or bad debate.

Performacewise, it is a Nikon. There is no doubt about its capability
to come up with really good pictures.  But the question is, does it
handle well?

IMO, no.  There are important things you can do only with the
F90(X)/N90(s), F100, and F5 that you cannot do with an F70/N70. And
this is mainly shift settings with your eye at the viewfinder.  An
example is the AF mode selector. It is only the F70/N70 which requires
the user to go through a main menu(already a two hand operation) then
to a sub-menu (still a two hand operation) to change AF mode from S to
C.  The other Nikons only require an easy flip of the selector switch.

Other important controls, such as, exposure modes and metering modes
sadly can only be adjusted in the same manner as the AF fousing mode.

If you do not believe me, try it.  If you are never in a hurry, or you
think you can afford to take your eye off the viewfinder just to
fiddle with the F70/N70's controls, then maybe you can live with this
camera.  If it is important to you to be able to shift from AF-C to
AF-S, and back without taking your eye off the viewfinder, or shift
from spot metering to center-weighted metering to matrix metering, or
shift exposure modes from A to M or S while looking through the
viewfinder, then you'd be better off with the more expensive models.
These have the most logical control layouts although the F90(X)/N90(s)
still requires a two hand operation when shifting metering modes and
exposure modes. But still, you can do these with your eye at the

Happy shooting

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