I went through this with my fiancee a couple of months ago. She wanted to
take pictures, and while she was supposed to be "test driving" an SLR at
B&H, she wandered over to the P&S aisle and wound up with one of those nifty
little Yaschica T-4's. For $150, it's terrific, it's got a nice Zeiss lens
and the top rangefinder is fun.
Anyhow, she's become much more critical of her photos since she started
shooting B&W film, so now she wants the SLR.
I'm thinking about getting her the N60 with either a 50mm or a 35mm lens,
whichever perspective she prefers.
Any comments on the N60 would be appreciated. For what I've seen her taking
pictures of, AF speed and a faster motordrive wouldn't be much of a help, or
I'd have her look at the N90s. And the technical aspects of photography are
of no interest to her, so a manual camera is out of the question. If you
have some constructive thoughts on the N60 or an alternative, I'd love to
hear them.

Eric Edelman

>N70 VS F100 OR F5
>I offered my wife the F100 if she wanted me to get her one; she already
>refused an extra F5.  We played with other bodies, she liked the N2000 but
>wanted AF.  The N90 was too whiz bang.  We settled on the N70.  The #1
>thing she likes about it over the F100 and F5 is the weight, or lack
>thereof.  For her, THAT is the prime item she wants.  Less weight.
>Everyone has tradeoffs they will bear in order to get what they want.  I
>want speed and durability, I use F5s.  My wife wants lightweight AF, so she
>got the N70.
>Robert in Redlands

Jim -
Plain english version:
SB-27 is not as powerful as the SB-28 and costs less.
More technical version:
SB-27 has a lower guide number and is physically built different, and has
different features.
B&H has some nice comparison charts on their web site: www.bhphotovideo.com
That would be a good place to look.
Don't buy a flash grey market. For the few bucks you'll save, you'll regret
it if the flash breaks down after the store's warranty is over. Nikon seems
to be getting stricter regarding repair of grey market items (they won't
repair them and they are stamping "US" with the serial number). While there
are plenty of repair shops that can repair a camera body or lens, most can't
fix a dead flash.

Eric Edelman

>From: "Jim Laubach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Could someone offer plain-English differentiation between the SB-27 and
>SB-28 speedlights? I'm thinking of saving a few bucks by buying the SB-27,
>but want to make sure I won't be giving up anything I really need. Also,
>have any of you ever bought a flash gray market? I've never had problems
>with lenses gray market, but I'm a little reluctant when it comes to

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