Regarding the fellow who wrote that his wife chose the N70 over the N60,
may I offer a counterpoint.  My wife had a 6006, with which she took
excellent pictures.  She kept worrying about all the bells and whistles, so
I took her to Pardees (Sacramento, CA, USA) to look at new (and used)
cameras.  We lined up her 6006, an N50, an N60 and an N70.  We also lined
up a Canon EOS A2, Elan II and a Rebel.  To top things off, we set out a
couple of Pentax entry to mid-level cameras.  She took her time trying out
all bodies with a bunch of lenses, mainly looking for handling qualities.
When it was all over, she had chosen the N60 and decided to keep her Tamron
28-200.  That's right, she chose one of the cheapest bodies, paired it with
an after-market lens and STILL shoots rings around me.  She doesn't know
the difference between hyperfocal and hydorfoil - but she sure can take
pictures.  There's got to be a lesson here somewhere...

Bill Cassing

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