Hi all,

I have just get my first roll developed and I can assure you that the
F70 is a great camera.
I have two questions concerning the results:

1) I have a night photo done in P and matrix mode (2" f5'6) without
flash, with very little light, of the front of the Alcala de Henares
University, at 20 meters with the sky totally dark. It has like a veil,
the sky isn't totally black, it is a little brown. I have experiment
that before, with a point a shot and I don't know the reason. The camera
is abode a stone and I have use the self-timer to shot.

2) I have other great night photo with very little light in A mode,
center weight metering at f11 and manual focus, with the camera over a
box using the self timer. It's and incredible photo (for my short
experience). But at the upper right corner, the sky is a little green.
It's probably do by one streetlight that I didn't seen. Must I use a
lens hood to avoid that? How can I avoid that? (I have the 28-80 AF-D
3'5-5'6 lens)

I have 8 more wonderful and perfect night photos.

Thank in advance.

Sebastian German Moreno
Madrid - Espaņa

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