Hey everyone,   Off and on there's been references made to the (yet)
mythical F80. Just curious -- what do y'all think this body
would/should have?

The first big question that comes to my mind is: will Nikon continue
the 5-pt. AF/spot format in this "level" of body?  I think
they*should* but whether they will or not is another question. 

It probably won't have DOF preview ;) (though it SHOULD) It would
probably have a built-in flash.

I guess the big question is -- how do they "downgrade" it from the
F100, and still compete against the same level body in Canon?   



N80 = N70 + DOF Preview + User Interface of 6006.

They *have* to include DOF Preview.  The Pentax ZX-5n and the Canon
Elan II both have it.  The N70 was released before both of these
models, so they have an excuse for it lacking DOF Preview.  There's no
excuse now.  

It would also be nice if is had 'pseudo mirror lock up' - where
activating the self timer would swing the mirror up.

BTW, I'm an N70 owner, and while I like the camera's features, the
interface is cumbersome.  I would not say it is hard to learn or
cryptic.  BTW, I'm watching the "What features do you have stored in
Quick Recall" with interest.



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