Hi there all

I have 3 questions which I am sure the group has answers to:

1. What is the 28-200 Nikkor lens like? I am getting frustrated waiting for 
the 28-105 here in South Africa and can buy a 28-200 at the moment, 
although for about 1.5 times the price. I plan to use it on my F100. Should 
I just wait, or should I get the 28-200?
2. What effect does a pocket diffuser/softbox have on 3DMBFF (I use an 
SB-28) when used in auto? I assume that since the preflashes are fired 
through the diffuser, the camera will use that information for its 
calculations, and no compensation is necessary. Obviously, one loses some 
3. What effect (if any) do coloured filters fitted over the flash head have 
on 3DMBFF? Are there certain colours that fool the meter/system?

Thanks for the help.

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