> Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:32:12 +0100
> From: filip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: F100 and palm top's [v04.n296/3]
> Message: 3
> Hi,
> can anybody tell me if you can link a F100 to a palm top?
> I know you can connect a F90x to a 3Com Palm III, and I was wondering
> if one can do the same with the F100. ... and if the same software can
> be used.
> If you know of other brands who also provide a link to high-end Nikon
> camera's, please mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

As I know at the moment there is no other Software than the original
Nikon PhotoSecretary II. 

>From the N90 Buddy FAQ (http://members.aol.com/khancock/pilot/nbuddy/faq.html)

Q4: Does N90 Buddy work with the F5, F100, N70, etc.?
        No. Both the F5 and F100 have serial ports and so a version could 
        be made to support these two cameras.  Nikon's lower-end cameras 
        such as the N8008, N70, N50, etc. do not have serial ports so it 
        is not possible to make a similar product for these cameras. 

Q5: Why doesn't it work with the F5 and F100?
        Nikon doesn't provide any information on the protocols or memory 
        map of any of these cameras. N90 Buddy was developed by watching 
        the serial traffic between the camera and various software packages 
        and by trial-and-error and figuring out the protocols and memory 
        map. Since I do not own an F5 or F100, I have not tried doing 
        something similar. 

        If someone is SERIOUSLY interested (it takes a LOT of time) in 
        decoding the protocols for either of these cameras, I would certainly 
        consider updating N90 Buddy to work with these cameras. A 
        prerequisite for someone to decode these protocols would be to 
        have a good software package which watches the serial port,
        a custom "tap" serial cable, Photo Secretary software for the 
        camera in question, and a lot of time. (FYI, I used an old 
        Macintosh Plus and AsyncPeek to do my serial monitoring.) 

Bye, Carsten

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