On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 20:37:42 +1300 Chris Bitmead

>>Rumour has it that Canon deliberately engineers its new cameras to
>>more information than 3rd party lenses relay, in the hope that it will
>>discourage people from buying third party lenses.
>Perhaps, but I'm not sure how they can do that without breaking their
>own lenses.

I don't think it would be too difficult for Canon engineers to do.
Allthey have to do is design a lens so it reacts in a certain way to
certain inputs from the camera, but to only implement these signals on
later bodies.  This way third party engineers don't know that the lens has
to handle these inputs, as no current bodies send these signals.  But
newer cameras do, so these lenses stop working properly, while Canon
lenses continue to function.  But as I said, nobody knows if this is true
or not. 

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