Greetings Keith,

I've used the same LowePro bag for over 18 years.  I finally wore out the foam padding 
on the bottom of the bag, but easily replaced that.  The rest of the bag has held up 
very well.  I've carried a variety of equipment, including (at the same time) a Nikon 
N90s, a Mamiya TLR, 80-200/f2.8, 85/f1.8, 24/f3.5, 180/f4 (for the Mamiya), 80/f2.8 
(for the Mamiya), assorted filters, flash units, film, etc. (talk about one heavy 
bag!).  I've also carried two 35mm bodies & assorted lenses, etc.

My only complaint is that since the bag was made so long ago, it doesn't have some of 
the neat features of the newer bags.  But, rather than replace this bag, I'll add 
other bags that fit specific needs.  My sure to look at the bag before 
buying it.  I bought a smaller, "fanny pack" style bag without seeing it first (mail 
order).  It turns out that it really doesn't work well for me & my equipment.  Now, it 
sits on a shelf collecting dust most of the time.

Best regards,

John Wilkinson
Wilkinson Fotografix
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
ICQ #30206119

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