> 1) I have a night photo done in P and matrix mode (2" f5'6)
> without flash, with very little light, of the front of the
> Alcala de Henares University, at 20 meters with the sky
> totally dark. It has like a veil, the sky isn't totally black,
> it is a little brown. I have experiment that before, with a
> point a shot and I don't know the reason. The camera is abode
> a stone and I have use the self-timer to shot.

I can imagine two reasons why that would happen. My first guess is that
you overexposed the photo. Next time, try to compensate one or two
f-stops down (1" f/5.6 or 1/2" f/5.6, in this case). And use
center-weighted metering for that kind of scenes. My second guess is
that the lab corrected what it thought was an underexposed photo. Go to
the shop and ask for a correction. Tell them that you want the
photograph to look darker.

> 2) I have other great night photo with very little light in A
> mode, center weight metering at f11 and manual focus, with the
> camera over a box using the self timer. It's and incredible
> photo (for my short experience). But at the upper right corner,
> the sky is a little green.
> It's probably do by one streetlight that I didn't seen. Must I
> use a lens hood to avoid that? How can I avoid that? (I have
> the 28-80 AF-D 3'5-5'6 lens)

A lens hood can't do any harm. Next time avoid streetlights at either

> Saludos.

Saludos for you too
Graz, Austria

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