Paul Chang asked
>I'm looking for an inexpensive Nikon body to dedicate to infrared
>I heard that C brand bodies fog the film as the film advances.

Most Canon cameras (but not all) use an Infrared Film counter which is why
they will fog the film. I think that just about any Nikon body would serve
you well to use with Infrared film. I've never heard of any problems with
any Nikon bodies. I would go with a MF body because using AF for IR doesn't
really make any sense because you would have to refocus anyway. For those
who are unaware of the fact IR light waves are longer than visible light
waves therefore you have to adjust your focus. Which is another good reason
to stick with MF as very few AF lenses have this mark on them.

>Any such problems with low end Nikons like the EM?

This would probably be a perfect camera for this. Just make sure that the
lenses you would use on the camera have the IR mark on them.

>Since I will be taping a filter between the rails,

Why do you want to do the filtration this way? For me, I see this a very
potential way to scratch the negatives. Can you not get yourself some red
filters and put them on the lens?

>I don't want to spend too much money.

Don't we all! ! ! <grin>

Hope this helps a bit, if you have any questions, email me, I might be able
to give you some advice. I have shot quite a number of rolls of IR film
over the last few years.


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