> When using a non-SLR camera, the image you 
        >  see in the viewfinder has a slightly different 
        >  perspective than the image on the film. This
        >  effect is only important when shooting very 
        >  close subjects.

        Other significant differences between SLRs and 
        rangefinders, if anybody's still interested:

        1. Rangefinder lenses can extend further back into 
                the camera body than SLR lenses, because there's
                no mirror to get in the way.  That allows wide-
                angle lenses for rangefinders to be designed whose 
                optical qualities exceed what is possible with
                an SLR wide-angle.
        2. Rangefinders can (with practice) be handheld at 
                slower shutter speeds than SLRs, because there's 
                no mirror induced vibration.

        3. Rangefinders don't focus accurately with telephoto 
                lenses, because the two images used for focusing 
                are taken from too close together. 
        4. Cheap rangefinders generally have fixed lenses.  
                Some expensive rangefinders do have interchangeable 
                lenses -- but they're not cheap.

        5. The image in *most* rangefinders doesn't get bigger 
                when you put on a longer lens.  The outline in the 
                window that shows what's going to be in the frame 
                just gets smaller.  

        If you're going to stick with lenses shorter than 
        90mm or so (or don't mind having a different camera
        system for telephotos) and can afford the cost of 
        the lenses, the better rangefinders are worth 
        looking into.

        Cheap rangefinders are cheap and small.

        SLR's are the best compromise for most people. They
        give you quality than the cheap rangefinders, lower
        cost than the expensive rangefinders, and more 
        versatility than any rangefinder.


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