
> So, my question to all of you is as follows:  Is it possible to upgrade
> the focusing motor in use in the camera?  You know, just as a car engine
> can be supercharged, it is possible alter the focusing mechanism of my
> 601?

A car engine can be changed with the same engine or one extremely close,
but what you want to do is change a 4 cylinder rear wheer drive with an
eight cylinder fromt wheel drive.  YES it can be done but the tooling and
machining involved would cost more than a new camera and several new cars
no doubt.  No one would take on this formidable task unless you planned to
write a check for 6 figures for machining and design needs.


>Off and on there's been references made to the (yet) mythical F80.
>Just curious -- what do y'all think this body would/should have?

Are we bored with the F100 yet? ;-)

>In fact, I'd like to see a F801 with an up to date AF system.

That's the N70, according to Nikon.

>OTOH, if Nikon decides to keep the F90x around, they may want to
>introduce a lower-spec F80.

Remember when Canon had the 10s, 620, 630, 650, 750, 850, etc?  There are
too many to decide, some just $20 apart.  Nikon used to have 4 cameras: F2,
FM, FE and Nikonos III.  You picked the camera that was right for you,
choices were very easy.  With so many cameras now, choices are a lot
harder, and stuff seems to be antiquated sooner.


>I also see a lot of people asking: "Next week our family will
>celebrate 1 year of our favorite dog. I wish to present to my dear
>wife (husband) something.
>I have hear that Nikon F5 is very COOL. Is it F5+80-200/2.8AF-S good
>enough ??? 
>Unfortunately my wife (husband) has no idea about exposure, focusing,
>etc., but my friend told me F5 look very sexy"

The official Nikon web site says the F5 is "The Ultimate Gift."  That is
why you see so many people asking that.  Also thought a lot of folks know I
know photography they have no idea themselves, so they have to reply on
advertising.  if anyone wants to get me camera stuff I say a brick of film
is great.

>To my mind not all Nikon users can afford a Nikon glass. Have a look
>to the test results of different brands and you will see that
>sometimes third party lenses are very close to Nikon in optic

I know a guy with an F5 who wonders how he will fill up his gas tank next
week.  The F5 took it all.


>I own a FM2 and I want improve the handling of the camera.
>Of course I considered purchasing the MD-12, but it is really too
>expensive here, even in the second hand market (consider that the FM2 is
>my second body, using my F801s when I need fast winding).

The FM2 will work with a dead winder attached, or you can use the MD-11 and
tape the top right contact on the camera to keep the meter turned off.
Here in the USA used MD12s go for about $150, is that too much for you?
Maybe I can get one for you and mail it to you.  Don't bother with the
cheapie off brand motors, they are really bad.

Robert in Redlands

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