
        To the idea of a piecemeal upgrade of the N6006/F601, I would think the
end result would be worth the price of the work; if you could find any
tech interested in such a project. I am very satisfied with my N6006,
despite it's limits, but will go down the upgrade trail sooner or later.
I think the way to go is to a advanced design.
        I would suggest you sell your N6006/F601, or keep it as a backup, and
find a new or clean N90s. I have been working this week with a borrowed
N90s, and am very pleased with the result. The user interface is not
identical to the N6006/F601, but is close enough to make the shift quite
intuitive. The autofocus is much faster, and the camera seems more quiet
than the N6006/F601. All in all, despite Moose's change of heart, the
N90s is an excellent upgrade path from the N6006/F601. And, for the
price of the next step up the ladder, the F100, you can buy two N90s
bodies and a whole bunch of film.

        BTW, I didn't comment on the reference to Moose being a "shill" for
Nikon, at the time, as I would have had a hard time keeping the reply
civil. That term is one of the "fighting words" to this "Left Coast"
redneck. I have not known Moose long, or well, but the term "shill" does
neither applicable to this generous gentleman, nor a term suitable for
polite society in general. Moose is a friend and mentor to many on this
list, but if he were not, he still has the right to change his
perspective on the N90s; a change that would be hard to avoid given the
introduction of the F5 and F100. I am for forgetting the incident, using
it for an example of what not to do in the future, and talk about Nikon
cameras instead.

                                Bill Hilburn Jr.

P.S. My F3 is back from a service visit that installed a new shutter and
replaced a blinky LED in the finder. There are a world of wonderful
cameras out there, but the F3 is still a great main battle tank, and I
wonder how I got along without it. If that upgrade path were to turn
retro, a new F3HP would not be a bad idea. Mine does not have a HP
finder, but I would like one, and anyone on the list who has one for
sale, or knows of one going for a good price, please let me know.

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