My wife and I recently  did the Disney trip.I took  a small point and
shoot and my Nikon fm with  a few
lenses in a nap sack.I used 400 asa film and never felt a need for a
tripod during the day.However ,
at night  all of the parks  become even more spectacular.I wish I had my
tripod for the long exposures of the view of the epcot ball  and the
universal  entrance as well as the Magic Kingdom castle.I did mange to
set my camera on a trash bin for a long exposure of the Epcot Ball.Don't
miss the parks at night. When the lights come on they become a visual
delight! If you can handle it this is the only time I would reccomend a
tripod at Disney.A flash at night is useful to capture the street
performers at  Epcot at night.Have a good time.We loved it.(don't miss
the Pirates of the Carribean in the magic Kingdom).

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