Richard wrote:
I own a FM2 and I want improve the handling of the camera.

Of course I considered purchasing the MD-12, but it is
really too
expensive here, even in the second hand market (consider
that the FM2 is
my second body, using my F801s when I need fast winding).

Any other Nikon motor drive (MD-11, MD-15)?
Any third party winder? I heard of a Soligor winder (bad
news actually):
can it somehow harm my FM2n?
I thought about buying a not functional MD-12, and use it
only as a
Can I use the camera shutter button with a 'dead' MD-12

Tony's reply:
You can pick up a MD12 very cheap if you or a friend can do
a bit of electronic repair work & you are prepared for a bit
of a gamble. Most of the MD12 problems relate to the battery
holder contacts and the earth wire inside the unit that is
attached to the film rewind release switch/lever.

I have picked up two MD12 for $25.00 (Australian) they
normally retail SH for around > $200.00 (Aust')) They were
both dead! I pulled the top cover off, re-soldered the earth
wire to the film rewind control & gave them a good clean out
& they both work like a charm.

Yes you can use a dead MD12 on the camera to get the bigger
handle however IMO it makes life difficult because you have
to use the camera's shutter release and with a MD12 on, it
is a long uncomfortable reach.
Hope this is of some help.
Tony Balm

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