I just bought a FE2 and need some advice on lenses.

The camera came with a 28mm series E and a normal lens. I am considering a
75-150 series E and another zoom in the range 35-70. The equipment
will mostly be used for travel and nature photo.

Any comments?

Excellent choices. Just last weekend I purchased a 75-150 Series E at a
camera show (one that's been mechanically reworked to solve the loose zoom
problem so common with these lenses) to complement my 35-70 f/2.8 and 24
f/2 with FM2. I've shot a roll of film through the lens already, to test
it, and it's outstandingly sharp.

When there's plenty of light, my 24-120 will be more conveniet. When it's
dark I'll take my 35 f/1.4 and 85 f/1.4  with the 24 f/2. But the set-up
you've described should make a fine small, light, convenient and reasonably
fast general purpose and travel combo. That's how I'll use my 75-150, 35-70
and 24.


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