>>>>>>carlo guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:

The Quick Recall button does offer several variations in preferred
settings.  But is this enough?

IMO, it isn't.  There will always be the time that you will need to
adjust something which isn't programmed in your QR memory.


It's enough for $400, unless flogging dead horses has become the point of
this thread and not the limited but adequate capabilities of an inexpensive,
entry-level camera.

If you need an F5's capabilities, figure on $1800; if you need an N90's
capabilities, figure on $900; if you have $400 to spend and you want to use
most of your existing Nikon equipment, including D-coupled flash, figure on
an N70--spin-the-wheel interface notwithstanding.

Is it me, or is the signal-to-noise ratio on this List approaching Usenet

James R. Babb

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