Hi Riccardo and fellow Nikon users,

>I own a FM2 and I want improve the handling of the camera.
>Of course I considered purchasing the MD-12, but it is really too

  Actually, the MD-12 does improve handling.  But to the uninititated, it
first appears to be very cumbersome and not so handy.  But with time (and
enough handling), the MD-12 really does make the FM2 feel alot better to hold.  

>Any other Nikon motor drive (MD-11, MD-15)?

  The MD-11 is basically the same as the MD-12 but with 2 very important
1) It does not auto switch off after 12 sec. of non activity but continues
to slowly drain the battery power;
2) It advances the film only after you release the shutter-firing button.

  You cannot possible use the MD-15 on the FM2 without making an extra hole
on the base plate.  But the MD-15 does feel better to hold than the
MD-11/12, though.  Unfortunately, it only fits the FA.

>Any third party winder? I heard of a Soligor winder (bad news actually):
>can it somehow harm my FM2n?

  Over here in Singapore, the shops have a third party winder made under the
name of Maxwell (I suppose a Soligor alias) and it reminds me of the grip
for the EM (plus a firing button).  But it doesn't perform as well as the
MD-11/12.  Its made of cheap plastic and the motor drive sucks.  But as a
grip, its lot less bulky than the MD-11/12.

>I thought about buying a not functional MD-12, and use it only as a

  You might as well get a FA/FG hand grip and stick/tape it to your FM.
Better yet, carve your own grip out of a block of wood.  Its cheap and you
can customise it to your hands.

>Can I use the camera shutter button with a 'dead' MD-12 attached?

  Yes, you can use the camera shutter button on a dead MD-12.  But not the
shutter button on the MD-12 itself.  Hope that helps.

Deric Soh.

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