Hello Nikoneers!  I earlier made this post on the list:
>I've been in this list for more than a year and it seems that there hasn't
>been a consensus on how we should call ourselves.  Among the names I've
>seen so far are the following: nikonauts, nikoneers, nikoners, nikon
>lovers, nikon users, nikon shutterbugs, subscribers, listers, post-listers,
>gearheads, and so on.  
>If you guys are interested, you can email me your suggestions privately for
>a week and I'll tally them for you.  And then I'll let you know the most
>popular name among the subscribers.  I'll post the results thereafter.  


And the results of the survey are follows:

photographers --- 3
Nikoneers/ Nikoners --- 10  (47%)
Nikkorphiles --- 1
Nikonauts  -- 3
Nikonuts  -- 1
Nikon users --- 1
Nthusiasts --- 1
Mike --- 1     :-)

Thanks to all those who responded.  So that's it.  We are the NIKONEERS!

Happy shooting!

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