I'm going to purchase an 80-200 2.8 soon.  I can't
decide if the 80-200 AFS is worth twice the money.

I have not been able to find anyone who has one I can
put my hands on.  They all say, give us the money, we'll
get you one.   I'd really rather see and touch one before
shelling out $1800 for one.

Also what is the opinion of the 300 F4?  If I got the 80-200
2.8 non-AFS I could get the 300 F4 also.  I know the 300
F4 is not the 300 F2.8 but then it's alot less money.



Kevin S. Mahler, CCNA
WAN Manager
American Cancer Society

73 de KO4JY

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