
>I read somewhere a long time ago that NASA uses Hasselblad as 
>a one-time camera in the space and everywhere else out there 
>in manned space missions.
>And there was someone who posted the url showing what seemed 
>like F5 in a space shuttle. So NASA has turned to Nikon now?  
>Maybe it's time NASA changes to something digital. Or maybe I 
>am just a fool who doesn't know that they went digital years ago.

Actually they use both 35mm Nikon and 6x6 Hassie.  They are two different
formats and will give different results.  As I understand from folks I have
spoken to, the Nikons are best for remote control (motor drive, 250 back)
whereas the 6x6 cameras usually must be hand held and are a lot picker.

>By the way, do you know if any astronaut is a photographer or posses 
>additional photography skill apart from pointing and shooting? It seems 
>to me that some of the pictures from space shown publicly look so well 
>that they were well-thought before recorded. 

>From the pictures I have seen from space, I am sure that the sights are
spectacular enough (Earthrise) to completely make any of us forget about
composition or lighting.  Let the meter worry about the lighting, there is
no horizon to keep out of the center of your viewfinder, it is like
shooting balls on a pool table.

Robert in Redlands

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