After purchasing the new Nikon 80-200 AF-S Silent Wave lens, I have made an
observation.  Upon close examination of the lens elements by holding the lens
up to a light source and looking through, I am seeing excessive dust/lint on
the internal elements and also what appears to be a tiny bubble on one of the
elements.  This was noticed even prior to using the lens.  I have lenses that
I have been using for 5+ years that have nowhere near the amount of dust that
the 80-200 already has.  I will say however, that the images appear to be very
sharp.  I am going to call Nikon and discuss this situation with the tech
department.  I am hoping that they will replace the lens.  I have only had it
for 2 weeks.  I had read elsewhere on the digest that there was another 80-200
AF-S lens that was seen with dust on the internal elements.  Does anyone else
that has purchased a 80-200 AF-S noticed this problem.  Could this be a
quality control problem or perhaps Nikon was in a really big hurry to get
these lenses to market and taking shortcuts?  Anyway I am curious to see if
Nikon will remedy this problem.  Other than this problem, the new 80-200 is a
great lens that focuses extremely quick and produces images that are sharp and

Joe Pellacore

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