I am thinking of buying a 28-70/80 zoom lens. I don't have a lot of money to
spend for a lens.  I plan on using it to photograph weddings and general
photography. I would like to stay with Nikon, but the only lens in the sub
$200 range is the plastic mount 28-70 D lens. The Promaster has a metal
mount with a sturdy plastic barrel with rubberized zoom/focus rings. Auto
focusing is responsive and no noisier than my Nikkors. It is selling for
$150 in a local camera shop in Maine. It has a 5 year warranty. I saw some
photos that were taken with the Promaster 28-70 f3.5-4.5 zoom, some enlarged
to large sizes (11x14 and larger, I don't recall the exact sizes) I was
impressed! The color and detail were outstanding, rivaling Nikkors. Contrast
seemed good. Does anyone know where I can find test results with this and
other Promaster lenses? Also does any one know who makes these lenses? I saw
some that strongly resembled Tamrons. I like Nikon equipment, but I'm not
fanatical about it. As I see it, as long as the lens in question,be it
Nikkor or third party, gives great images it doesn't matter to me who makes
it. If I can save money in the process, so much the better. I love
photography, but I am appalled at the prices one has to pay to enjoy the
hobby. I own an N6006 and an N2000, a Nikkor 50mm f1.8 and a Nikkor 70-300 D
ED zoom. Thanks in advance for any information.

George Bowen
Relax, relax, I need some information first.
Just the basic facts.
Can you show me where it hurts?

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