I'm a beginning photographer and though this isn't about Nikon cameras in
specific I thought it was a good question to ask here.  I've always thought
that if you have an ISO 100 film and instead of exposing it at 100 choose
50 for the speed that you would saturate the film and give it more vivid
colors.  I've now read this to be wrong at a couple of places and I'm
having a hard time understanding why if you have more light on the film
that it doesn't saturate the colors.

I've read two different places that because the actual ISO speed of Velvia
is 40, that it causes more vivid colors at what Fuji tells you to set it at
at 50.  I've also seen somewhere else that if you wanted to kick up the
colors of an ISO 50 film to set it at 64 instead.

Someone please explain this to me so I can understand why less light on a
film would allow for greater color saturation?


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