>  BR-6 lets you close the diaphragm to do 
        >  stop-down metering as well as to expose 
        >  with AR-4/7/10.  With BR-3, you have to 
        >  meter and expose with the lens wide opened.
        > Using your finger to close the diaphragm 
        >  is probably too difficult with the BR-3 
        >  mounted.

        With a BR3, the lens stops down to taking 
        aperture as soon as you turn the ring on 
        the lens.  You focus with the lens set wide 
        open, then stop down to meter and shoot.

        The apertures on all Nikon lenses stop down 
        to taking aperture unless something holds them 
        open by lifting the lever sticking out of the 
        back of the lens.  


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