Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:06:17 -0600
From: Mike Baranowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ground-level Tripod Recommendation Needed
Message: 2

Does anybody have any recommendations for a 'almost
tripod?   I plan on using this for macro work with an F5 and
appropriate macro lens, or possibly a PB-6, so it needs to
sturdy and have a wide leg base.


Hi...     I have a couple of Bogen (Manfrotto) 3221 tripods
that have been modified by Kirk or you can buy them directly
from Kirk.  The legs lay flat and they cut off the center
post flush with the base.  You still have two other clicks
of adjustment besides flat on the ground.
            I have used my PB-5 Bellows mounted on a 6 inch
focusing rail equipped with  reversed lenses with a F3 and
it handles it pretty well or just whit a macro and camera.
I have one with a Bogan 3047 pan tilt head and one with a
Gitzo off center ball head.  The one with the ball head
works the best out in the field if your sneaking up on a
dangerous wild flower ;-).   L8tr... Kent

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