> I think the first obvious choice would be to ask Nikon/Japan/USA, or some
>other big photographic suppliers like Saunders,etc.
>Each one of them can contribute a lot and manage the list efficiently due to
>a solid financial base.

Sorry if this sounds like a flame, but have you seen the Nikon web site
lately?  See any good and useful information besides glittering product
information (infomercial type)?

How about camera or accessory manuals?  Tables with useful info about
lenses?  FAQs with relevant questions?  Have you seen any e-mail address
for customer service?

Also, there is a lot to be said about the list's independence from
sponsorship from Nikon, i.e. unbiased (or I should say, really biased)
opinions and real life opinions from beginners to professionals who use
Nikon for a living; even a few retailers like B&H, a Nikon book author, etc.  

Sponsorship from Nikon Japan, USA, whatever, would amount to a few
dollars/yen/euro, but I think what Andrew was really asking was if anyone
wanted to step up to the responsibility of being the list administrator and
deal with spammers, post bounced messages, answer questions about how to
subscribe/unsubcribe, and a multitude of other things to keep one busy.

I would love to see a real time list rather than just a digest version; a
host or bandwidth is not a problem; it is finding a capable administrator
who can spare enough time to keep the Nikon digest a well oiled, smooth
running machine that it is now.

Any takers?



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