The main reason I am using Nikon today is its backward compatibility.
I still have the 43-86 zoom that I bought in 1977 and it works fine on
my F5. I don't use that lens any more because it happens to be a very
bad lens in today's standards.

The fact that I can still use a lens made 20 years ago isn't that
However, when I got my first AF body 10 years ago (1989), the fact that
all my MF lenses back then would work on the new N8008 kept me with
Nikon. And then all my older AF lenses from 10 years ago would work with
my F4 and then F5 continues to keep me with Nikon. To me, it is
from within the last several years that counts. I really don't care whether
my F5 works with some pre-AI lens. If Nikon needs to drop some long-term
compatibility to reduce the cost on the new bodies, it makes a lot of sense
to me. The only way to keep this continuous compatibility is to maintain
the same lens mount.

Of course, it is also nice to be able to get a light and all-mechanical
body as a backup. The fact that the FM2 is still in production and
works with my latest AF lenses is great, not to mention the huge number
of used equipment available.

-- Shun Cheung                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 (732) 615-5135
      Kenya Photo Safari --
          Antarctica --

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