
It's happened to many of us a lot...

As you took hold of the camera, were grabbing it from the right hand 
side? If you were and the vertical shutter release was on, the palm of 
your hand was more than likely pressing the vertical shutter release and 
activating focus and then firing the camera. It's a touchy fit and I 
agree that the shutter release should be recessed a bit more so this 
won't happen. This also happens if the neckstrap is between your palm and 
the grip.


>Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 20:36:57 GMT
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Al Simcoe)
>Subject: Strange occurance!!! [3]
>Good day to all...
>I am a new owner of a Nikon F5 with a Nikkor Zoom AF 35-135/F3,5-4.5
>Yesterday I had my F5 out for my first day of picture taking
>and a strange thing happened. The senario goes as follows.
>I had the F5 mounted on my Manfrotto Tripod using a Manfrotto
>head # 141RC with quick release. After taking a number of frames
>I went to remove the F5 from the tripod via the quick release.
>When the F5 and quick release plate was *partially* removed from 
>the head, I heard the motar noise from the Auto Focus motar,
>refocusing my lenz. So I seated the quick release plate and F5 back on
>the head. With both eyebrowse raised I went to remove the camera
>again. At the same point, I heard the AF motar again and this time the
>F5 desided that this was a good time to take a picture (click).
>Running out of eyebrowse to raise I then uttered an explative ($#%$#!)
>and put the camera back on the tripod. I then ripped off 2 or 3 more
>explatives ($%#!$#) and called my friend over to observe my F5's
>strange antics. When I showed my friend what was going on, my F5 kept
>on refocusing and taking a few more frames until the F5 and quick
>release plate was *fully* removed from the tripod head.  I *did*
>confirm that *nothing* was touching the shutter release button.
>Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be going on?
>Al Simcoe

Ed Yost
M&M Photo Source (Authorized Nikon Advanced Systems Dealer)

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